
Week 32

What I pre-planned

  • deciding and buying case for phone
  • work on offline strategy for gittins index sonin
    • read and understand online strategy
  • buy and get hands on with multimeter
    • progress on powering docucap

What new did I learn

  • offline strategy and deeper understanding of Q learning matrices
    • optimizing runtime for transition matrices
  • how to use a multimeter
  • how to train a LoRA for communication style training
  • better soldering techniques

Where/How did I implement it

  • soldered jst connectors for power management
  • lipo batteries and getting them ready for charging
  • trained a lora on my tweets and blogs for learning my communication style
  • bought a good case from ringke

Any memorable moments of the week

  • played basketball without shoes and got myself a big blister
    • deep enough that the first thick layer got off with blood
  • fun time with friends with a late birthday party and night stay
  • made a lot of pani puri at home for sunday lunch and dinner!
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