Home The power of low agency

The power of low agency

I’m a person of low standards I’d rather like everything and everyone, than be liked by everyone Well, after some time I get both so it’s a win-win game

To digest the above, you and I need to understand agency. agency is taking responsibility and taking decisions. High agency people will know what they want, what to expect and refuse any other outcome. Low agency people will adjust to the situation and let others decide for them. They are not meant to be compared to be honest. They are just two sides of the same coin and are both essential. If there are no high agency people, who will take decisions? If there are no low agency people, the only outcome is conflicts.

What I’m trying to convey here is that the world seems to showcase the high agency people and their importance, while low agency people are not rewarded as much; and as per Game theory, that is an obvious outcome. It’s not wrong that this happens. So what should you be? acktchually, you do not have a say in this.

You are born and bought up with these traits. Best part is it is the first thing you can easily judge about a person by understanding why and how they do what they do. Ideally someone who is able to have a dynamic agency according to situation will come out to be the best of the best.

Personally, I’m a 80% low agency person. You’ll know that if you know me, and you’ll know that once you know me. But that does not mean I cannot take decisions, it’s merely my habit to let other take decisions which has lead to this. But I embrace it while trying to change myself wherever I should. Having low standards makes be grateful about every single detail of life, the food, clothes, home, friends, family, literally everything. And I’m even grateful that I’m low agency. Life is more fun this way (or so it seems to me). But it has it’s disadvantages - trust. It is one of the most valuable societal traits. People will trust someone of high standards, yeah even me. To bypass this, I need credibility, which takes time. So it’s the closest people and those who are furthermost that will trust me. The furthermost can only see my skills and achievements (building trust), and the closest can see the power of low agency.

I’m not sure what you should with this info, I’ll let you decide it

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