Home Reflex vs Instinct

Reflex vs Instinct

What is the difference between reflex and instinct? Wait, does it really matter? We will get to that.

Reflexes are simple responses to stimuli. Instinct are inborn complex patterns of behavior that exist in most members of species. True. But I believe there is more to instincts than that. There are instincts that are not species specific, but individual specific. Kind of like the purpose of life, everyone is born with species instincts and personal instincts. These are values and principles that drive the individuals thoughts in a specific pattern.

Let me give an example. I have a individual instinct of learning survival skills. Is that an individual instinct? Is that even an instinct? I think so. Survival in whole is obviously an instinct and that too of all living organisms. That is not individual. But learning skills that trains you to survive is most diverse sets of conditions is not a necessity. Most people don’t care about it. People learn to swim. Most do it for being able to enjoy swimming in water, others do it for survival in floods. People learn to cook. Some do it as hobby, some for survival. Self defense, being able to fall & roll from heights, ability to jump high, ability to climb trees, etc. Most people do it for fun, I do it for survival. Not because I need these skills, but because I have a thought inside me every time I see a skill that shouts at me - “Hey! This skill is useful in this life threatening situation. I need to learn it”

Most of you will still not consider this as an Instinct and that is fine. But it’s not only this, there are other such individual instincts or you would rather say Life Principles that govern the thoughts, and hence actions of everyone. It’s these factors that also affect key aspects of your ability to grasp new concepts, memorize, learn from mistakes, act upon thoughts, sympathize with others etc.

Also why did we start with reflexes? I don’t know, it was another term that is very close to instinct but not the same. Just for clarity.

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