
Life as a fourier transform

First principles first

Life how it is, is a chaotic simulation. Nothing but quantum randomness can defined the causality of events. Life does not follow patterns, and there exists no pattern that can predict life precisely.


I personally still try to find out the pattern. The logic is the occurences even though purely random or unpredictable, let’s properly frame it as complex. A sound wave, a simple sound wave from any instrument, from any person etc is also complex. We can record it precisely, but to recreate it do we need the same exact complexity? not really. The world was revolutionalized when the FFT - Fast fourier transform method was discovered.

The complex sound wave comprises of thousands or even millions (depending on the resulution of context) of frequencies together at different amplitudes. But we only need about a dozen of them to recreate a wave about 99% or more similar to the original.

Same way, the patterns of life are very complex. But identify a dozen fundamental rules and you can play the game like an expert. Never actually getting to the details but getting the most out of what you can.

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