Home How to train your mind and senses?

How to train your mind and senses?

यततो ह्यपि कौन्तेय पुरुषस्य विपश्चित: |
इन्द्रियाणि प्रमाथीनि हरन्ति प्रसभं मन: || 60||
yatato hyapi kaunteya puruṣhasya vipaśhchitaḥ
indriyāṇi pramāthīni haranti prasabhaṁ manaḥ

From Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 60 Meaning - The senses are so strong and turbulent, O son of Kunti, that they can forcibly carry away the mind even of a person endowed with discrimination who practices self-control.


  • Focus on a single point, start with a corner, sit at still place and completely focus on that corner
  • make sure everything in the field of view is completely static (non-living, non-moving)
  • No eye movement absolutely, no saccadic movement at all (no movement of eyeball from one focus point to other)
  • Keep at it for atleast 2 complete mins and slowly you’ll see everything other than the corner getting little blurry
  • The edges near the corner should start showing the aura like gradient (that’s generated still from minor movements diff in lighting)
  • After somepoint you can start feeling the the blood from heart making a jerk movement inside which you’ll have to overcome

Nose :

  • Keep 5 or more completely different smelling things in front of you in a closed room
  • focus on any one and try to get that specific smell
  • you can practice this anywhere actually
  • just try to focus on a smell that you know is there but would be overpowered by some other wind, rain or smell
  • keep at it until you can smell more accurately
  • distinguishing between similar smells at a perfume store is also good practice

Ear :

  • This is the most challenging for some Start playing some song of some genre really loudly
  • Now select another song of absolutely completely different genre and try to sing the whole song in it’s original melody (select some song you remember fully)
  • Focusing and being able to listen to a single voice from a interference of many is another challenge


  • Just eat food, but try to focus and identify all the ingredients of the dish.
  • Once you get there, identify the quantity of each ingredient
  • Identify the dish size


  • Our sense of touch is the most area covering sense which most people subconsciously take for granted right after few months from birth
  • To enhance it try to shutdown all other senses and focus on each and every place where you skin is touching something. your clothes, some other body part, some object anything.
  • Feel where a soft mattress touches, without concentrating on it

Working on all of these will enhance your reflexes, your survival skills and will boost whatever work you do. physical or even mental.

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Week 8

Week 9