Week 25
What I pre-planned Synapse work on search optimization faster rendering basic features and v1 launch DocuCap get back where I left of probably ...
What I pre-planned Synapse work on search optimization faster rendering basic features and v1 launch DocuCap get back where I left of probably ...
bhasad - भसड़ • (bhasaṛ), slang meaning mess, ruckus, chaos everyone’s life has has ups and downs. those downs in hindi slang, we call as bhasad. so what about it? bhasad is a form of energy. It’s...
What I pre-planned Fun at Carnival Travel back to Hyd Rest and Devil’s Circuit What new did I learn new thoughts and lots of interesting chains during flow state expect blo...
What I pre-planned Synapse progress better UI/UX finalize layout algo and ordering enjoying Mega Carnival in township daily code darshan start What new did I lear...
a year ago I was in college, going from my campus to the town square where me and my friends would roam around and spend the evening. we used to travel in e-rickshaws, with 6 people seating capaci...
What I pre-planned Synapse design thinking travel home and village gift grandparents with surprise visit wind up work stuff for leave just chill and enjoy What new di...
First principles first Life how it is, is a chaotic simulation. Nothing but quantum randomness can defined the causality of events. Life does not follow patterns, and there exists no pattern that c...
What I pre-planned Synapse progress sorting and formatting graphs better layout, single root node Docucap image capture test host freind for weekend ...
What I pre-planned Synapse progress imp features implement, commit work stuff learn and give 100% What new did I learn work stuff, lot’s and lot’s ...
What I pre-planned DocuCap single cam panorama implementation 3 ESP communication mvp synapse v0 showcase v1 plans spam museum memes haha What new di...